Jesus’ UX Fail / Brian Bustos

Jesus’ UX Fail / Brian Bustos

John 6

With over 5,000 people following him around the Sea of Galilee, Jesus had a unique opportunity to begin establishing his kingdom with incredible support. Where political leaders have one goal— striving to hit critical mass, we find Jesus in John 6 saying something so grotesque and offensive that everyone stops following him with the exception of his twelve disciples. In this sermon, we will look at why Jesus didn’t attempt to clarify his metaphors or stop his followers from leaving?

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Spiritual Deficiency & No Physical Sufficiency / Myles Cheadle

Spiritual Deficiency & No Physical Sufficiency / Myles Cheadle

John 3:1-10

In a dialogue with Nicodemus (so called ruler of the Jews), Jesus is reduced to establishing a core spiritual truth: The nature of Spiritual life. Amidst this conversation, Jesus uses physical pictures to bear witness to spiritual realities. These pictures reveal a spiritual deficiency, discredit any fleshly sufficiency, and provide the only solution..

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3 Parts of an Offering / Uriah Guenther

3 Parts of an Offering / Uriah Guenther

John 4:23

This sermon covers a brief overview of the three keys to an offering: (1) fire - the presence and activation of God, (2) wood - the vessel and presence of man, and (3) the offering - the gift. Using these keys as an example, Uriah also shares how Christ has transformed this practice for our daily lives.

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