Mission Focus 2020-2021 Testimonies
/This week we heard our brothers and sisters give testimonies about what the Lord is doing in their lives in regard to the mission.
Read Morethou hast magnified thy word above all thy name
This week we heard our brothers and sisters give testimonies about what the Lord is doing in their lives in regard to the mission.
Read MoreJonah 4:10-11
In this final week of our study, we focus on how to trade the worship of our feelings and thoughts to find pleasure in knowing, feeling and acting according to God’s heart.
Jonah is often referred to as the “Missionary Prophet” and yet his thought life was so out of sync with God’s will that he rebels at every turn. In his best moments, he is reluctant and in his worst moments, he is faithless, consumed by his emotions, obsessed with his circumstances and full of fear. As a ministry of missions-minded young people, how do we avoid falling prey to a thought life that hinders fellowship with God and stunts fruitfulness in our lives?
Read MoreJonah 4:1-9
This week, we focus on the Christians need to deal with our secret displeasures and recover ourselves from the trap of worshiping our feelings and thoughts.
Jonah is often referred to as the “Missionary Prophet” and yet his thought life was so out of sync with God’s will that he rebels at every turn. In his best moments he is reluctant and in his worst moments he is faithless, consumed by his emotions, obsessed with his circumstances and full of fear. As a ministry of missions minded young people, how do we avoid falling prey to a thought life that hinders fellowship with God and stunts fruitfulness in our lives?
Read MoreJonah 2:9-3:10
This week, we focus on the Christians need to recover our lives through God’s forgiveness and be used in his mission.
Jonah is often referred to as the “Missionary Prophet” and yet his thought life was so out of sync with God’s will that he rebels at every turn. In his best moments he is reluctant and in his worst moments he is faithless, consumed by his emotions, obsessed with his circumstances and full of fear. As a ministry of missions minded young people, how do we avoid falling prey to a thought life that hinders fellowship with God and stunts fruitfulness in our lives?
Read MoreLuke 17:5-10
In today’s message, Kendal explains what it means to be a servant of Christ and whether we “clock in” or “clock out” in our service to God.
Read MoreMatthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8
In this sermon Pastor Mike Reneau makes clear both philosophically and practically what our call to missions looks like. He also takes the time to share with us his calling to plant a church in Boston.
Read MoreWe are a ministry of young adults who are seeking to pursue a deeper faith in Jesus Christ through God's Word, fellowship and prayer.
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