The Cost of Discipleship: 4 Goals of Discipleship / Alex Allen

The Cost of Discipleship: 4 Goals of Discipleship / Alex Allen

4 Goals of Discipleship

In this sermon, Alex gives us an overview of the four goals of discipleship and what it truly means to be established in worship, the Word of God, the local church and ministry. Can you say that you’re ready to give your life loving the church?

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The Cost of Discipleship: 7 Marks of a Disciple / Uriah Guenther

The Cost of Discipleship: 7 Marks of a Disciple / Uriah Guenther

The Cost of Discipleship

This is a continuation of the The Cost of Discipleship series. In this section, Uriah overviews the seven key marks that make a disciple of Jesus Christ. We must understand that there is a cost to following Jesus, and it will involve laying down our lives for Him and His mission.

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The Cost of Discipleship: Salvation & the Lordship of Christ / Myles Cheadle

The Cost of Discipleship: Salvation & the Lordship of Christ / Myles Cheadle

The Cost of Discipleship

In this section of the COD series, Myles covers salvation in detail and how this is the first necessary step in order to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. He also discusses the reality of discipleship and the price we must consider. We must see Jesus for who He is and understand the magnitude of His Lordship in our lives.

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