The Acts of the Apostles: When Preaching Meets Prevention

The Acts of the Apostles: When Preaching Meets Prevention

Acts 13:3-12

We are studying the first missionary journey of Paul & Barnabas, learning from their faith and their works. In this sermon we find they have just arrived at Cyprus when their preaching is soon met with enemy resistance. What do we do when our gospel voice is met with voices of dissent? What does it mean to stand against the “wiles of the devil” when discouragement is often our natural response?

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Work of Sending Pt. 2

The Acts of the Apostles: The Work of Sending Pt. 2

Acts 13:1-12

In this sermon we continue looking at the beginning of the greatest missions movement the world has ever seen. We walk through how two men were separated for a unique work and how they dealt with resistance from the enemy. We also hear from Andrew Ong about how God worked in his life to separate him for the work of the pastorate and how God is in the process of sending him and his family abroad.

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Work of Sending Pt. 1

The Acts of the Apostles: The Work of Sending Pt. 1

Acts 13:1-3

In this sermon we see the beginning of the greatest missions movement the world has ever seen. It begins with one church, a small group of leaders and two men called by the Holy Spirit. We learn in this message what it means to be a missions minded church as well as an individual prepared for God’s calling. The most exciting part of Acts begins with this message.

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Rediscovering Our Identity: A Review of Acts

Rediscovering Our Identity: A Review of Acts

Review Of Acts

In this sermon we summarize our study in Acts up to this point. The goal of this message is to rediscover all the things we must know about our Christian purpose: PRAY, PREPARE, GIVE, GO - - reminding ourselves of exactly what it means for the college and young adult ministry to live in that example.

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The Acts of the Apostles: God's Work of Deliverance

The Acts of the Apostles: God's Work of Deliverance

Acts 12:1-11

Many of us have a false narrative in our minds about what it means to be the child of God. Being a Christian does not guarantee us an easy life, in facts it’s a warrant for suffering. In Acts 12 we find the apostle James murdered and we see Peter delivered from a prison cell. How does God deliver? Who does God deliver? Why does God deliver? How can we learn to trust him regardless?

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Model Church pt.1

The Acts of the Apostles: The Model Church pt.1

Acts 11:1-30

Acts 11 introduces us to the model New Testament church. We begin a study of the Church of Antioch, a church the broke from cultural Christianity for the sake of the gospel. In Acts 11 we investigate the character of the Antioch leaders, their purposes in ministry and how God used this church to start the first true missions movement.

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Gospel Open to the World pt. 1

The Acts of the Apostles: The Gospel Open to the World pt. 1

Acts 10:32-43

Peter has come to Cornelius and a crowd of Greeks who are anxiously awaiting a spiritual word. Peter shares the heart of God concerning humanity and presents the gospel in a powerful way. In this passage we learn many different principles as well as celebrate the simplicity of the gospel message.

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The Acts of the Apostles: From Perplexity to Purpose

The Acts of the Apostles: From Perplexity to Purpose

Acts 10:11-23

Todays message revisits Peter's vision but discusses it in terms of hearing from God. When God speaks, how do we know we are hearing from God and not some other source, such as our emotions or personal will? How are our perplexities and doubts converted into faithful and purposed obedience?

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The Acts of the Apostles: New Fields, New Fears

The Acts of the Apostles: New Fields, New Fears

Acts 10:7-22

Every Christian who has ever been called into deeper faith has struggled with doubt. The Apostle Peter wrestled with his fears just like we do - until he allowed God's simple words to change his heart and mind. Acts 10 teaches us how to hear God calling us out of our fear and into his perfect will.

Every Christian who has ever been called to "more", called to go deep in their walk, has struggled with doubt. The Apostle Peter had them too and he didn't know what to do with them until he allowed God's simple words change his heart and mind. Acts 10 teaches us how to hear God call us out of our fear in order to see his will from his perspective.

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The Acts of the Apostles: A Truer Purpose

The Acts of the Apostles: A Truer Purpose

Acts 10:1-8

In this sermon we are introduced to the mighty and meek Roman Centurion Cornelius. From all external and internal appearances he was a man who had everything, that is besides the one thing that would make him complete - - - to know Jesus Christ. God sends Peter in response to Cornelius's prayers; who or what has God put in your life to draw you to him? Will you resist or receive his answer to your prayers?

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Perspective & Pattern of Peter

The Acts of the Apostles: The Perspective & Pattern of Peter

Acts 9:31-43

This weeks message provides us insight not just into the Apostle Peter’s ministry strategy, but also into his heart and mind. He was a man who was motivated by God’s word and will over his life and it formed a ministry pattern that we are still in wonder of today. What was his focus? What was his heart?

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Marks of Authentic Faith

The Acts of the Apostles: The Marks of Authentic Faith

Acts 9:10-31

Last week we learned about Saul, the persecutor of the church who met Christ and became the Apostle Paul. This week we take a look at the earliest days of his ministry and how God used his testimony to subside the concerns of the early church who knew him as a dangerous individual. His example shows us how a testimony of faithfulness proves to everyone around us that God's love is alive in us.

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The Acts of the Apostles: Meet the Apostle Paul

The Acts of the Apostles: Meet the Apostle Paul

Acts 8:1-9

This week we are introduced to Saul, soon to become the Apostle Paul. Prior to his conversion he had passions, purposes and a plans that ran counter to God's. When he met God all of that changed and he became the premier ensample for the NT believer. This study gives and object lesson on how to properly hear and respond to the voice of God.

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Going Meets Opposition pt. 2

The Acts of the Apostles: The Going Meets Opposition pt. 2

Acts 8:14-24

A continuation on our story of Simon the Sorcerer who believed he could place of financial value on divine things. This passage teaches us a lot about our sinful temptation to look for personal gain in our spiritual lives. We also conduct an overview of the changes in the reception of the Holy Spirit in Acts.

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The Acts of The Apostles: The Going Meets Opposition, pt.2

The Acts of The Apostles: The Going Meets Opposition, pt.2

Acts 8:9-24

In Acts 8:9 we meet Simon the Sorcerer, a man used to subvert the salvation of the Samaritan people. Often times we will encounter those who interfere with or even counterfeit true spirituality causing distractions in ministry. How do we guard against this kind of work and more importantly, how do we guard our hearts from becoming subverters ourselves?

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The Acts of The Apostles: The Going Begins pt.1

The Acts of The Apostles: The Going Begins pt.1

Acts 8:3-8

This this second message that introduces us to the persecution of the early church, when Christians scattered with the gospel on their lips. They did not allow their circumstances to steal their message, in fact their circumstances were nothing more than opportunity to speak Christ!

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The Acts of the Apostles: The Going Begins pt. 1

The Acts of the Apostles: The Going Begins pt. 1

Acts 8:1-3

After Stephen's death the church in Jerusalem enters an increasingly hostile ministry environment. People begin to scatter into the surrounding regions taking the gospel with them. In this message we consider a series of significant principles about hope, persecution and spiritual warfare.

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